The monitoring of  education quality and  management department was established with the aim of increasing the level and quality of education, and its activities are based  instructions of the Founder of the peace and Unity - Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Education", the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Education higher professional and post-secondary professional education". 

Decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the State Standard of Higher Vocational Education of the Republic of Tajikistan", Decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on "Sample Regulations for Educational Institutions of Higher Vocational Education of the Republic of Tajikistan", Education Quality Management Program for Vocational Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan (decision of the Council of the Republic of Tajikistan) Control agency in the field of education and science under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan from 04.12.2020, No. 1/2), orders of the rector of the university.

- The university charter, instructions and instructions of the board of education, regulations of the department, task instructions, plan - annual activities of the department and other regulatory and legal documents in the field of education, which regulate it.

- Direct management of the department is carried out by the head of the department, who reports directly to the department of education, as well as to the first deputy, vice rector for education.

- From June 2022, the head of the department the candidate of economic sciences, Urunova Sarvinoz Azizovna.

- The following specialists work in the department:

- Mirzon Nekruz Mirzon - candidate of economic sciences, specialist of the department;

- Hajibibi Gulomova specialist of the department;

-The main goal of the department of monitoring and management of the quality of education is to ensure the implementation of the development strategy of TSCU and increase the level of quality of education. To achieve this goal the department has implemented the following tasks:

- creation of normative, legal and methodical foundations to ensure quality control monitoring of training of highly qualified specialists in the university;

- development and use of modern methods of monitoring and analyzing the quality of education;

- control of the transfer of points to the independent work of students under the guidance of the instructor in the electronic journal through the ALFA-EХpress computer program;

- supervision of the activities of the departments on the development and coordination of subject work programs (syllabus) based on the curriculum and the requirements of the state standards of higher professional education;

- the connection of the theoretical content of the lecture with the practice of the economic life of the country, the connection of the lecture with the professional field of the future specialist, the level of innovation of the lecture, the use of the latest literature and periodical press materials in the lecture, the theoretical validity of the lecture, the reflection of the most important problems, the logical correctness of the questions in the lecture, the educational nature of the lecture, the culture of the teacher's speech, the manner of expression, the accuracy and sharpness of the teacher's speech, etc.;

- assessment of the state of the education system in the university and the changes occurring in it;

- diagnosis of the effective process of education in the university and study of factors affecting the quality of education;

- analysis of test questionnaires and state exam tickets, matching them to educational programs and state standards of higher professional education of the Republic of Tajikistan;

-     preparing a questionnaire for analysis and evaluation of the quality of lectures and practical classes of teachers;

-     analysis and assessment of the quality of lectures and practical classes of teachers;

-      recommendations and methodological proposals to instructors teachers to improve the quality of education;

-      analysis and assessment of the quality of lectures and practical training of teachers who are recommended for the positions (teacher, senior teacher, docent, professor);

-      constantly studying the opinions of students on the educational subject and taking into account their opinions in the further activities of the teacher, as well as the organization of the educational system;-     analysis of the level of mastery of subjects by students;- organization and training of pedagogy, teaching skills and psychology courses for young teachers. Training of pedagogues with the latest methods of education. Objectification of the assessment of the level of mastery of educational materials;- creating a database, including using the Internet, an electronic library, to ensure monitoring of the quality of education;- checking of documents and materials of the quality of education in university departments;- studying teachers' opinions on the use of modern methods of conducting classes to improve the quality of education;- participation in professional certification of university teachers;- analysis of test questionnaires for full-time and distance education students on the basis of ALFA EХpress ( and distance education ( programs, their adaptation to educational programs and state standards of higher education professional of the Republic of Tajikistan.

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Адрес: 734061, Республика Таджикистан, г. Душанбе, ул. Дехоти 1/2, Таджикский государственный
университет коммерции

  • Телефон: +992(37) 234-83-46
    (37) 234-85-46